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Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 4:53 pm
by jon.oman

But this is as close as I get!

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:15 pm
by JohnSR
Was chatting with a guy up in MN on the HAM radio and he said they were getting some snow. My sister down in Klamath Falls, OR already has 4 inches on the ground. Hope the farmers got the potatoes in as they normally harvest them in October and the first of November. The Ranger Station at Crater Lake, OR is reporting 2 feet of snow and has closed the South Rim to tourist. This is the earliest they have ever closed. Looks like we are in for a hard winter thus year. Move over Jon. I may have to move down your way :D

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:23 pm
by jon.oman
My daughter, son-in-law, and grandson will be moving to Iowa in about 26 months. My son-in-law will be retiring with his 20 years completed in the service. Part of his time was spent in the army, and he was part of an Abram's tank crew. The rest of his time is in the Air National Gaurd, as a fulltime crew chief. He has 80 acers of land near Montecello, Iowa.

When they move, my wife and I are talking about getting a small place near them. Six months in Iowa, and six in South Carolina. I bet you can guess where we would spent the winter!

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 12:50 pm
by JohnSR
Don't think I could live in that state. I remember crossing it when I was young with my father and all I can remember of it is all the corn fields. Miles and miles of corn. We stopped along the road a I got a couple of the ears. What really made it bad was the ears were so large and tasted like wood. Guess that is what they call field corn. Another thing, I don't think I could live comfortably in a state where I had to worry about tornados even though we are starting to get a few here in Washington state. For sixty years never heard of one here but the last five years there has been a few but mostly no damage.

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:44 pm
by jon.oman
Well, grandparents do strange things to be near their grandchildren!

But, I look at it this way, I'll be closer to New Mexico, Colorado, and Utah. I really love that part of the country! I just dream about the images I could make.

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 7:50 pm
by JohnSR
Very true. Would love to spend a couple week in the northwest corner of NM. Up around Shiprock. Get to know the Navajos and get one to guide me into their country. That is some beautiful country. Have been through there several times and always wanted to come back when I had more time.

Re: Some of us are getting snow

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:11 pm
by jon.oman
This was taken with my first digital camera, the D70. For some reason, I had increased the ISO from base, and forgot to change it back. So, it is not optimal.


My wife and I spent about six weeks driving to Utah and back to SC, about seven years ago.